Chase County Schools holds regular meeting, Sept. 12

The meeting was called to order by President Meeske at 6:09 p.m. A motion to approve the agenda as presented and passed 8-0 with a motion by Jeff Olsen and a second by Carrie Terryberry.
A motion to approve the minutes as presented passed 8-0 as well with a motion by Carrie Terryberry and a second by Cindy Arterburn.
A motion to approve the financial report as presented in the amount of $708,835.22 passed 8-0 with a motion by Willy O’Neil and a second by Steve Wallin.
Athletic Director Hauxwell was absent from meeting due to a home softball game. However, his report mentioned Fall Sports participation numbers current and past. Hauxwell also reported that the Chase County Cross Country Invitation was held last Thursday, Sept 7 with 18 teams participating, a total of 233 Junior High and High School runners. E-Sports is off to a great start with Mr. Anderson having 29 students signed up and participating. Hershey had to cancel their JV Football season due to low numbers so there will be no JV Football game this week. McCook has lost 5 Varsity Softball games due to weather and had to cancel the JV game on Sept. 25 as they only have 17 out. Hauxwell ended his report thanking the custodians and bus drivers that help keep us going with all our activities and he greatly appreciates all the help setting up events and getting our student athletes safely to their activities.
Principal Odens began her report noting the school district has had a successful start to the school year. The staff has received training on ELPA21 strategies or SIOP. Last Tuesday the staff was trained on Kagan Structures and teachers are utilizing language standards and vocabulary strategies to help students as well as ELL students. Teachers are also practicing one or two Kagan structures in their classrooms. Odens mentioned that the Methodist Church provided a luncheon for the staff during the Sept. 5 In-Service Day. She noted MAP and NSCAS growth testing went on last week and the plan is to finish up with the first round of testing by the end of September. Odens said, “We had the first PBIS weekly winners last week. New PBIS members are Ashley Vlasin and Jacci Paisley.” Odens ended her report stating the first LB 1184 Meeting held Thursday and the impromptu staff gathering last Friday at the golf course was a success.
Secondary Principal Barr reported student enrollment and attendance rate percentages. He said, “The administrative team received updated student discipline training on Aug. 9,” and summarized what Odens mentioned in her report about the SIOP and Kagan Training. Barr stated he met with 7-12 grade students to review expectations and handbook changes on Aug. 24. Raptor was used for the first Fire Drill of the school year on Aug. 31. Barr and Jacci Paisley have also been meeting with parents and students pertaining to graduation progress. Barr mentioned the Annual Teammates breakfast was held on Aug. 31 and was a success. He ended his report with projected enrollment of students from 7th-12th grade.
Superintendent Lambert reported the principals and himself attended a full day training on discipline from KSB School Law on Aug. 9. Lambert has also been training bus drivers since June and will continue to do so. Three new drivers were added before school and a 4th and 5th are in process of completing training. Lambert wanted to thank all the staff that volunteered to help with activities during the fair. He stated, “He is always impressed with staff’s willingness to volunteer their time for the community.” He summarized much of what the principals said in their reports. He noted that he attended the UNK job fair on Sept. 7 and met a lot of potential teachers and was able to collect resumes. Lambert discussed the Bleacher Company is scheduled to come out and double check onsite measurements within the next two weeks, concrete was completed on the south entrance of the shorthorn gym that leads out to the playground. The parking lot project plans have been completed and the building and grounds committee met to further discuss. New sprinkler heads were installed at the football field which as improved the water coverage. Lambert concluded his report noting the ending account balances.
It was moved to approve the 2023-2024 budget. It passed 8-0 with a motion by Jeff Olsen and a second by Willy O’Neil.  
The 2021-2022 final tax request was also moved and approved 8-0 with a motion by Jeff Olsen and a second by Willy O’Neil.
The next item on the agenda was to discuss, consider, and take all necessary actions in regards to the resignation of Jeremiah Vlasin and related matters.
The Board was asked if they would like to enter into closed session to discuss this matter. There was a motion for the board to enter closed session to discuss, consider, and take all necessary actions with respect to the resignation of Jeremiah Vlasin and related matters in order to prevent needless injury to an individual’s reputation and to consider legal advice provided by the district’s legal counsel. The motion passed 8-0 with a motion at 6:46 p.m. by Cindy Arterburn and a second by Steve Wallin.
The closed session ended at 6:51 p.m.
It was moved to approve Jeremiah Vlasin’s resignation which passed 8-0 with a motion by Steve Wallin and a second by Linsey Foote.
Next was discussion to consider and take all necessary action to approve a settlement agreement in the matter of Educational Service Unit No. 15. v. Chase County School District No. 15-0010. This disagreement arose over a documentation dispute for services rendered by ESU 15. Without proper documentation, Chase County Schools was concerned that they would be unable to adequately defend a special education complaint or due process hearing under the rules set by the federal department of education. The district has decided that this is an appropriate time to settle for a few reasons.
The first reason being there is a two year time frame in which parents must bring most special education claims against a school district. That two year time frame has concluded;
The second reason, the school district is still eligible to be reimbursed for payment of this amount to ESU 15 under the federal reimbursement regulations;
Lastly, both the school district and ESU 15 have a desire to build a new and more positive relationship with the beginning of a new school year and new administration at ESU 15.
The settlement agreement itself will be a public record which is available for inspection upon request.
The board approved the settlement agreement in the amount of $120,000.00 and to allow Lambert to be authorized to execute the agreement on the board’s behalf. The motion made by Dan Reeves and a second by Willy O’Neil passed 8-0
With no further business President Meeske adjourned meeting at 6:57 p.m.


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