West Nile virus found in Red Willow County testing pools

    Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department was notified last week of mosquitoes testing positive for West Nile virus in the health district.
    The pool of mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus was reported in Red Willow County, 60 miles east of Imperial. Health officials recommend residents take precautions to avoid mosquito bites.
     “This is a reminder for everyone to continue taking preventive measures against mosquito bites,” said Sarah Minnick, Program Manager at SWNPHD.
    “Mosquitoes in the area may potentially be carrying West Nile virus and can pass it to humans. Most people are fine after catching West Nile, but some people will become severely ill,” she said.
     The incubation time for the development of symptoms of West Nile virus takes about 3-14 days. Around 8 out of 10 people who become infected with West Nile will not experience any symptoms, Minnick said.
    However, two in 10 people may experience symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, joint pain, rash, vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, West Nile virus can invade the brain and spinal cord leading to stiff neck, confusion, paralysis, coma or death.
     There is no treatment for West Nile virus, so the best way to avoid becoming sick is to take actions to prevent mosquito bites.
    This means wearing insect repellent, long shirts and pants, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active.  Check for standing water in yards and ditches.  Drain water if possible or use mosquito dunks to kill mosquito larvae.
    More information on West Nile virus may be found at www.swhealth.ne.gov.


The Imperial Republican

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