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Russ Pankonin | For The Imperial Republican
Eve Ambrosek testifies in the Kevin German trial that concluded last week in Chase County District Court.

Attorneys question Eve Ambrosek on events of 2019

Local woman one of key witnesses in Kevin German trial

    Eve Ambrosek, another key player in the Kevin German trial, took the stand on the afternoon of Day 6 and morning of Day 7.
    Prosecutor Doug Warner established that Ambrosek’s relationship with German went all the way back to her freshman year in high school.
    That’s when she first slept with German, who was a senior at the time.
    Ambrosek said she started using meth while she was still in high school and later began dealing meth.
    After finishing high school, she had a baby girl and lived at home. Later, she got a full-time job at the Imperial Manor.
    She said she and German stayed in touch off and on.
    She reached out to German in August 2019 to reconnect and talk.
    She told him she was having issues with the child’s father and that her parents had taken her daughter away because she was running around and getting drugs for other people.
    German offered to come pick her up and they went on a trip. They spent a couple days in California before going to Louisiana for a week or so and then returned to Imperial.
    Ambrosek said it was during this trip that she learned about “Queen” on German’s phone. That Queen was Keonna Carter.
    She said he assured her Carter was nothing more to him than the expectant mother of his children—triplets.
    After returning to Imperial, Ambrosek and German went to live at Abbi Murillo’s home.
    Their relationship, which was also sexual, continued. Ambrosek said German told her they were together and wanted things to move forward, including Ambrosek’s daughter, Echo.
    Ambrosek said she suspected Carter was more than the mother to German’s kids. German and Carter would text back and forth and one morning Ambrosek saw one of the texts.
    German was telling Carter that Ambrosek was crazy and delusional.
    It was after that she told German their relationship was over.
    Sometime after returning from their trip, she introduced German to Russ Mann, who was supplying her with meth.
    After building that background, Warner jumped to the night of Nov. 12, 2019. He asked her what she was doing that night.
    She said she was looking for drugs and contacted Murillo and Annika Swanson to see if they had any. She told them she was willing to trade jewelry for meth.
    Ambrosek had no cell plan so could only use her phone off the Manor’s free Wi-fi near her home.
    She thought she was communicating with Annika when in reality it was German, and they set up a meet near the Manor.
    She was surprised when German got out of the car at the meet. He told her to get in the car, which she did, in the front passenger seat. She added that German had a gun.
    They began traveling out in the country and during this time Carter was in the back seat, smacking Ambrosek and yelling at her.
    She recognized they were going south from Imperial because she recognized the home that German had grown up in.
    They pulled off the road at what appeared to be an abandoned farm house.
    She said German told her that she had f---ed up, that she owed him money and that she needed to learn how to keep her mouth shut.
    He told her to get out of the car. When she did, Carter began hitting and kicking her after she fell to the ground.
    She said German then took her by the neck and slammed her against the trunk and told her to get back in the car.
    It was at that point that she said German gave her two choices—go back to Colorado and prostitute herself to pay him back or he was going to kill her.
    They then headed to Mann’s trailer. Warner asked Ambrosek what she was feeling at the time. “That I was in deep shit,” she replied.
    German had taken Ambrosek’s phone when she first got in the car in Imperial. After they arrived at Mann’s, her phone started receiving lots of texts and calls from Mark Levano, the father of her child. She was living with him at the Murillos at the time.
    Levano threatened to send cops out to Mann’s, assuming that’s where she was. German told her to answer a call and tell Levano to leave her alone, which she did.
    He then hatched an idea for Ambrosek to call 911 and say that Levano was beating up on her, so the cops would check that out instead of going to Mann’s trailer.
    At some point in the night, German, Ambrosek and Swanson were in the main bedroom. German instructed Ambrosek to hit Swanson, so she did. They scuffled and ended up on the floor before German said that was enough.
    During that same night, those three and Mann did meth.
    The next morning, she said Mann left for work, leaving her, Swanson, German and Carter at the trailer. German and Carter passed the gun back and forth between them.
    Murillo had come to the trailer that afternoon and while she was there, a deputy sheriff showed up and knocked on the door.
    Ambrosek said Carter was by the door with the gun. When no one answered the door, the deputy left.
    In response to Warner, she said she and Annika were never alone, either Carter or German were there at all times.
    That night, Ambrosek heard a conversation between Mann and German. She learned she was going to stay at Mann’s and not go back to Colorado with German.
    Carter and German then left for Colorado.
    She said she, Swanson and Mann did more meth after they had left.
    Not long after, German came back to the trailer, screaming at Swanson and hitting her. He pulled her out of the trailer threw her off the porch. He picked her up and put her in the car and they drove away.
    She recalled German and Carter returned back to the trailer a couple hours later. She said she was on the bed, pretending to be asleep.
    She said she heard German telling Mann that “everything was taken care of.”
    He told Mann he had a new identity for him, new passport, new Social Security number, all in Georgia. All he had to do was go.
    She also heard Carter, who appeared to be crying.
    German and Carter then left Mann’s trailer.
    Ambrosek said she stayed at the trailer, not knowing exactly the agreement between German and Mann.
    They stayed there several days until they were taken into the Sheriff’s Office. She said it was then that she gave her statement to officers.
    She later showed a deputy where German had taken her the night she was assaulted.
Frost’s cross examination
    Denise Frost probed Ambrosek’s past.
    Ambrosek said her relationship with Swanson was off and on, friendly, then rocky.
    Ambrosek said she dealt drugs out of her mother’s house and kept coming and going to the point her mother had had enough and took Echo from her.
    She also had a beef with Swanson because she was sleeping with Levano. She found her out at Mann’s trailer  with the intent of beating her up, but they were able to talk it out.
    It was about this time she reached out to German and they took off on their trip.
    During cross examination, Frost used prior depositions to “refresh” Ambrosek’s mind. When Ambrosek would counter with a different answer than her depositions, Frost kept reminding her she said these things under oath.
    Frost asked her if she was in love with German. “I thought I was,” she answered.
    Ambrosek agreed that she had told Swanson that German was the love of her life.  
    Frost reminded her it was German who helped remove some revenge porn of her off the internet.
    She also reminded her that German helped her get Echo back from her parents and that he took care of Echo and treated her as his own.
    In direct examination, Frost reminded Ambrosek  she said German had a gun. Yet in her statement, she said she didn’t know for sure.
    It can’t be both ways, Frost said. So what is it? Ambrosek said German had a gun and that she was mistaken in her statement.
    “How could you be mistaken about something as imperative as whether someone is pointing a gun?” Frost asked,
    “Because I was in a panic and I was scared,” Ambrosek responded.
    Frost  continued to point out  inconsistencies between her testimony and her depositions in an effort to show Ambrosek wasn’t a credible witness.
    When cross examination resumed on Day 7,    Frost reiterated that if she felt threatened the night German picked her up, she could have gotten out of the car, dialed 911 or ran for help. But she didn’t.
    After arriving at Mann’s, Frost said Ambrosek had the opportunity to tell Mann she was being kidnapped. Again, she didn’t.
    Ambrosek acknowledged she and Mann didn’t do anything after Swanson was abducted.
    Frost said they didn’t call 911. Instead, they had a meth fest over the next several days that included sex.


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