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Cordell Lee, left, recently completed a six-week internship in Congressman Adrian Smith’s Washington, D.C. office.

WP graduate interns on Capitol Hill

With two years of college under his belt, 2020 Wauneta-Palisade graduate Cord Lee decided now was the time to see if a change in career goals was in order.
Lee started off at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with thoughts of becoming a veterinarian. But memories of a 2019 National Rural Electric Cooperative Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. and talking to staffers on Capitol Hill left him wondering if government and politics might be more to his liking.
“I mainly wanted to try something new, live in a different part of the country for a few weeks and see if politics/government was something I would want to pursue,” Lee said.
As a constituent of Congressman Adrian Smith, Lee said he believes Smith represents the state well and decided to apply for an internship.
After a phone call with Smith’s director of operations, Lee was chosen as one of four interns for the summer.
His six-week internship in Washington, D.C. began May 16. He spent two weeks working by himself, then was joined by two other interns. The fourth will replace Lee.
Smith offers internship sessions from January to April, May to August and September to December.
Duties included giving tours for Smith’s constituents and answering phone calls. Lee attended legislative hearings that addressed issues from across the country and also attended intern lectures given by congressmen and women, as well as law professors.
His favorite part of the job was policy work with Smith’s ag and trade legislative assistant.
“I’m glad I had the opportunity to see more of how government works,” Lee said, adding he has a better understanding of how the different parties communicate with each other.
Lee found a place to live a couple streets down from the Capitol and saw the sights in the area during his free time. His mom Leslie and sister Ellie made the trip to Washington, D.C. for a visit.
Now back in Nebraska, Lee is finishing up a summer class before heading to Elsie and the family ranch for the rest of the summer.
When he returns to UNL in the fall it will be with a new major and an eye on ag, business and water law with the intent of practicing law in the future.


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