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Lynne West | Courtesy Photo This is one of two new electric beds that donated money from the Rotary and Interact Clubs helped purchase for Imperial Manor.

Two new electric beds help upgrade Manor furniture

Both the Imperial Rotary and Interact Clubs donated a combined $4,000 to purchase two specialty electric beds and mattresses to Imperial Manor and Parkview-Heights.
Eric Exum, president of the Rotary Club, said the donation was primarily from the club’s “Chocolate Affair” fundraiser held in February.
He said the Interact Club contributed some money toward the donation from fundraisers the students held during the year.
“It is always special when adults share their generosity to causes within the community, but it’s amazing when our local youths care about our elderly,” said Lynne West, CEO of the senior care facilities.
West said they have electric beds in the facility but they are a number of years old and need replacing.
“We hope to build into a future budget to be able to replace not only the electric beds, but furniture for the residents’ rooms. The furniture is over 20 years old,” West said.
She said the donation was definitely appreciated.
“We are needing new furniture, but for the time being, we received some donated furniture from a nursing home in Ravenna that was shut down,” she added.
She said they hope to get some more used furniture from nursing homes in Nebraska that are closing.


The Imperial Republican

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