Nuisances rescinded on five properties; two to be abated

    More tree issues were dealt  with by the Imperial city council Monday, as the city’s nuisance officer wraps up its citywide review.
    The review of trees has been the sole focus the past several weeks, but Amy Sauer from West Central Nebraska Development District, the city’s nuisance officer, said they will begin a general nuisance review of properties next month.
    Earlier this year, the council approved the citywide tree review, along with a general nuisance review of three sections of Imperial in the north and northeast parts of town.
    After recommendations from Sauer, the council took the following action Monday. All these nuisances deal with trees:
    1) Five properties previously declared nuisances were rescinded at 1402 Park, 538 Wellington, 610 Champion Highway, 619 Court and 540 West 7th St.
    2) Two properties will be abated at 336 West 15th and 1535 Douglas due to dying and dead trees on the properties.
    3) One new nuisance was declared at 73893-332 Avenue for dead trees.
    Regarding the abatement, which means the city could eventually clear or hire someone to clear the dead trees,  Sauer said the owners will have 30 days from Monday’s council vote to remove the trees on their own.
    The two properties will be addressed again at the July meeting. If there’s been no action, they’ll have five more days, she said, before they are removed at the owners’ expense.
    Since the last meeting, Sauer noted three other properties were cleared of the trees deemed nuisances, and four others asked for extensions to do so.
Other business
    Most of Monday’s meeting was spent in the council’s review of city code for updates, areas they see a need for clarification, duplications and conflicting codes.
    Each council member and Mayor Dwight Coleman were given sections to review, and report back with their notes. Chad Yaw and Doug Gaswick provided their input Monday.
    Some of the areas they addressed were references to telegraph poles, theft of telecommunications service and dog impound fees.
    One section of code dealt with nuisances, and evidently says the city has jurisdiction to enforce nuisance codes within the one-mile zoning jurisdiction outside the city limits.
    It appears that section will be removed. City Attorney Josh Wendell said he wasn’t comfortable with that being in code, believing its intent was for zoning jurisdiction only.
    After the council and mayor complete their review, their suggestions and changes will be relayed to the law firm they hired earlier this year for a full update of the entire city code book.
    A new account will be opened at Adams Bank & Trust for the American Rescue Plan Act COVID-19 relief funds for which the city plans to apply. Community Development Director Tyler Pribbeno said he expects Imperial will receive $360,000.
    The ARPA was signed into law May 11, and provides direct COVID relief to counties, cities, towns and villages. Counties have already received their money, Pribbeno said.
    City Administrator Jo Leyland said the State Auditor recommended a separate bank account for the ARPA funds for better tracking.
    The council approved an ordinance on zoning changes that address dwellings and accessory buildings, removing mobile home licensing and wind/solar energy.
    In other action, the council cancelled its July 5 meeting due to the Fourth of July holiday and set a budget worksession for July 12 at 5 p.m.


The Imperial Republican

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Imperial, NE 69033