Beauty school owner to give program on vintage salons

Jane Carlisle, owner and instructor at McCook Beauty Academy, will give a presentation at the Chase County Museum Sunday on items in the museum’s beauty salon display beginning at 1 p.m.
Carlisle became a Nebraska board-certified cosmetologist in 1971 when she graduated from the McCook Beauty Academy.
She continued her education and received her teaching certificate in 1978.
Over the next 40 years, Carlisle taught cosmetology, worked as a hairdresser in salons and owned a salon.
In 2010, she sold her salon and spent time caring for her mother until her passing.
 In 2012, the owners of the McCook Beauty Academy asked her to come teach there. When the owners retired in 2017, Carlisle bought the academy and came full circle.
She is passionate about teaching, not only the profession, but also character development and client interaction skills necessary for this service industry.
Refreshments will be served.


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