Buzzard problem remains unsolved

The vultures flying around the Chase County Courthouse continue to be a problem despite efforts by the county commissioners to get rid of them.
Commissioners Jacci Brown, Dennis Kunnemann and Chuck Vette met with Bob Thomas about what can be done to protect the Veterans Memorial on the courthouse lawn during the Sept. 22 commissioners’ meeting.
Thomas feels the memorial on the courthouse lawn risks damage from the vultures that camp out around the courthouse. While the statue has remained clean, the group would like to add some protection for the wall of memorial bricks.
Thomas said the veterans group has looked into a canopy. The commissioners weren’t ready to approve or deny the request without a diagram of the proposed project.
Mike Sherman with USDA Wildlife Services attended a commissioners meeting a year ago. He said the birds would soon be migrating out of the area. Sherman has made several attempts to discourage the birds from the courthouse, but is yet to be successful.
With the courthouse roof being redone this spring, the commissioners want to keep the birds off the building, as well.
As far as the memorial, it was suggested the trees be trimmed back from the memorial.
Thomas will update the board once more when he has a drawing and estimate for a canopy or protective cover.
Other business
After a public hearing, the commissioners approved a conditional use permit for a Viaero tower near Champion.
Assessor Dotty Bartels informed the commissioners that her son, Sid Bartels, has passed the classes necessary to be an assessor. Dotty Bartels would like to hire him in the assessor’s office. If she were to resign the position before her term is completed, she felt it would be good to have someone prepared to take over as assessor.
The commissioners were skeptical of having immediate family members in the same office. Plans were made to talk to the Nebraska Association of County Officials to see if a similar situation has happened.
The next meeting of the commissioners will be Oct. 13 at 8 a.m. in the Chase County Courthouse.


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