CCCH VCF free shot clinic ending

For more than 30 years, Imperial and the surrounding area have had access to a tremendous service of free vaccines and immunizations through the Vaccines for Children (VCF) clinic. As a new nurse, Chris Tomky, jumped right in to assisting Julie Thorrel–the Chase County Immunization Clinic Coordinator at the time. After only a couple of years, Tomky took over as Coordinator and has held the title and the responsibility ever since.
She said that the location of the shot clinic has changed over the years. At first, they were in the old hospital before it was demolished. Then they moved to the Catholic Friendship Hall and then they moved to the Chase County Specialty Clinic where it has been held ever since.
The clinic is funded through grants by the State of Nebraska that Tomky writes every year or two years. This pays her salary and other things such as supplies and her help. The vaccines themselves are free through the Nebraska Health Department but there are several other costs that must be covered. The grants help with that.
For a long time, Tomky said that they had anywhere from 30 to 75 patients present for immunizations but the numbers are now around 10-15 each month. The clinic sees plenty of children and some adults qualify for free immunizations, as well. However, the clinic sees mostly teenagers getting caught up on the immunizations required to attend college. She does send out 80-150 letters each month reminding clinic attendees which immunizations they are due for.
Though she is sad to retire from the position, Tomky is excited to have more time to herself and she is very glad she no longer has to write grants. She says that she will miss seeing the children every month and watching them grow up. As a night shift nurse, she usually sees her patients at their worst and was glad to see them healthy and happy when they would attend the clinic.
According to her, the clinic would not be possible without all the help she has received over the years including Maria Murrillo, Heather Schoenholz, Haley DeBusk and Roseanna Vapenik, to name just a few. Tomky says that there have been so many people throughout the years that have contributed.
Currently, there is no plan to continue the Chase County Immunization Clinic. However, hospital officials are working with the Southwest Nebraska Health Department to find a solution that allows the clinic to continue providing this important service.


The Imperial Republican

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