More CCS grads receive college degrees

More Chase County Schools’ graduates have taken further steps in their educational careers and received college degrees.
Blake R. Schilke
Blake Schilke graduated from CCS in 2018 and attended Southeast Community College in Beatrice, where he recently graduated with an Associate’s degree in Applied Science, majoring in Agriculture Management and Production.
Schilke is back on his family’s farm and feedlot helping his dad run the operation.
In addition, he has added running a crypto mining business to his portfolio, as well.
He is the son of Robert and Candace Schilke of Imperial.
Michaela Marie Cochran
Michaela Cochran graduated from CCS in 2012 and attended the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
She received a Bachelor of Arts in Education in December 2016 with certifications in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Unified.
In January 2017, Cochran started as a substitute teacher at CCS.
In August 2017, she became a full-time first grade teacher.
She recently graduated from Peru State College with a Master’s in Education, majoring in Curriculum and Instruction.
She said she plans to remain in the classroom as a teacher at CCS.
She is married to Keithan Cochran. They have two children, Kamree, age 3, and Owen, 18 months.
Her parents are Tonya Berry and Mike Ketter.
Bo O’Neil
Bo O’Neil graduated in 2020 from CCS and attended Central Community College in Hastings.
He recently received an Associate’s degree in Applied Science in construction technology.
His parents are Sandy and Shannon O’Neil of Wauneta.
O’Neil lives in Hastings and works for Rostvet Homes.
Amber (Stumpff) Weber
Amber Weber is a 2018 graduate of CCS.
Weber attended Chadron State College receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting Business.
She was married last Saturday to Connor Weber and is living in South Dakota.
She is employed as an accountant for the state of South Dakota.
Weber’s parents are Brian and Loretta Stumpff.


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