December PBIS Students of the Month

■ Editor’s note: Chase County Schools staff, working with the CCS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Team, are nominating and selecting Students of the Month during the school year. Students of the Month are nominated by staff members based on positive qualities or actions they have observed that go above and beyond the usual expectations. The nominations are reviewed by the PBIS team and two students are picked based on the number of nominations and what was observed by the nominators.
Chase County Schools staff in correlation with CCS’ Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports team have nominated and selected December’s Students of the Month. Students of the month are nominated by staff members based on positive qualities or actions that teachers have observed that go above and beyond the usual expectations. The nominations are reviewed by the PBIS team, and two students are picked based on the number of nominations and what was observed by the nominators. December’s Students of the Month are Elizabeth Reeves and Thomas Reeves.
Elizabeth Reeves is a senior at CCS. She is the daughter of Dan and Tiffany Reeves.
Hard work, determination, and helpfulness were the overriding themes amongst Liz’s nominations. Kindergarten teacher Jordyn Arterburn wrote this about Liz, “Liz is my kindergarten TA and she is always responsible and shows up on time, and if she isn’t going to be there she is sure to let me know. She is also very reliable, and so fun and respectful to the students. She is always willing to do anything I need and we love having her come to help us everyday! She’s a great role model!”
Middle school social studies teacher Beau McConnell added, “Liz has been in my second period all year working on her college course work. She is personable, organized, hard working and determined. She has done a great job of managing the role of a student and athlete, as well as shown maturity and leadership throughout the semester.”
And finally, CCS curriculum coordinator and head volleyball coach April Lambert said about Liz, “Elizabeth has had a few setbacks and challenges this year with school and with sports, but she quickly rebounds and retains an attitude of positivity and gratefulness. She is always willing to do what is asked of her and serves a vital role on many teams. Elizabeth is resilient, a hard worker and a role model for younger students and athletes.”
At CCS, Liz has participated in volleyball, basketball and track for all four years. She is also a member of 4-H, FFA, Interact Club, student council, CYO and National Honor Society.
Our second Student of the Month recipient for December is Thomas Reeves. Thomas is the son of Dan and Tiffany Reeves.
CCS middle school math teacher Darcie Boman had this to say about Thomas, “Thomas is one of the kindest, most respectful high school students that I have worked with. He is one that will always acknowledge me in the hallway by saying ‘Hi, Ms. Boman. How are you today?’ He also talks to the younger students when he sees them - which just makes those younger kids feel so important! I also was subbing in one of his high school classes that he was in the other day and he made it very easy for me. If I had any questions, he was able to help me out. He also made sure I knew the classroom expectations and what his classmates were  supposed to be doing.”
Elementary principal Becky Odens added, “I was looking at the cameras by Mrs. Meyer’s classroom while investigating a situation. There was a young boy waiting outside Mrs. Meyer’s locked classroom door before school started. Thomas went to his locker, which is on the end right by Mrs. Meyer’s door. He made eye contact with this young boy and said, ‘hi,’ and asked him how he was doing. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but it meant a lot to that young boy.”
Finally, high school math teacher Chris Bartels wrote, “Thomas constantly has a positive attitude and it seems to be contagious with the people he is around. No matter if it’s in the classroom, hallway or even outside of school, Thomas is always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. He is one of the vocal leaders in the high school and he is well respected among his peers.”
Thomas has participated in football, wrestling and track during his high school career. He is a member of the FFA, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Congratulations once again to Elizabeth and Thomas for being selected Chase County High School’s December Students of the Month!


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