CCS sub teachers get pay hike for ‘22-23

Pay raises could be coming for CCS bus drivers, too

    Substitute teachers at Chase County Schools will see an increase in their paychecks when school starts this fall.
    Board members at the June 14 meeting approved a $20 hike in the daily rate from the current $120 to $140.
    Long-term substitutes, who teach for the same teacher 15 days or more, will see an increase from $180 to $210 per day. The long-term sub rate represents 150% of the daily rate at CCS.
    Supt. Adam Lambert said he and the board look at substitute teacher pay every once in awhile, so added it to this month’s agenda. And, he wants to stay competitive.
    “I have meetings or talk with superintendents in the region and all of them are looking at their substitute pay right now,” he said.
    Board members reviewed a long list of area schools and others throughout Nebraska and their substitute pay rates, which shows CCS has one of the top pay rates for subs in the region.
    For the 2021-22 daily rate, Chase County at $120 paid more than Ogallala’s $110, Perkins County’s $105, Wauneta-Palisade’s $115 and Dundy Co. Stratton at $110.
    WP’s and DCS’s rates are the same no matter how many days are taught. Perkins County adjusts its per-day rate to $140 for 11-20 days and again to $190 for 21 days and longer.
    “I’d like to stay competitive,” Lambert said.
    CCS classes were cancelled May 6 and, on the day before, were held for only K-6 students due to lack of substitutes.

    Lambert said CCS has a regular list of about 15 substitute teachers. On average over the school year, CCS uses four subs a day, he said.
    Board members voted 7-0 for sub teacher pay increases.
    While there was no action last week, CCS board members also discussed bus driver pay.
    Lambert said they are always looking for bus drivers, and he wanted the board to discuss ideas for recruiting more of them.
    They not only talked about bus driver pay and possibly adding some benefits, but brainstormed other ideas, too.
Other business
    Lunch and breakfast prices for the 2022-23 school year will cost 10 cents more across the board after a 7-0 vote last week.
    The 2022-23 lunch prices will be:
    K-4 at $3.10
    5-8 at $3.10
    9-12 at $3.25
    Adult at $4.10
    CCS’s new lunch provider, OPAA, recommended a 20-cent increase, but board members opted to cut that in half.
    Breakfast prices will also be rising 10 cents, as well.
    In its proposed contract approved by the board this spring, OPAA guaranteed the district would see a $10,000 profit based on their projections.
    Board member Jeff Olsen said he doesn’t believe the school needs to show a profit in its lunch program, saying that some districts supplement their food program with budgeted funds.
    In his report to the board, Supt. Lambert said all teaching positions are filled with the exception of Randy Longoria’s PE position. Longoria, who was also head high school girls’ basketball coach, resigned in May.
    Activities Director Troy Hauxwell informed board members Alex McNair will replace Longoria as head coach next season. McNair has been as assistant for several years.
    During the meeting, the board heard a zoom presentation from Apptegy, CCS’s website manager, on an app available to improve communication between the school and parents.
    Called the “Rooms” app, it would direct parents to one spot for all announcements or communications from the school, Lambert said.
    Now, parents have a lot of different platforms for communication from CCS, he said, so they are hoping this might streamline it for parents.
    No decision was made last week.
    Also on the agenda for discussion were vape sensors in the school building. Supt. Lambert said they are looking into potentially installing some around the building.  Action was tabled.
    The board also looked at dates for an annual retreat. Nothing was set but dates in August were discussed.
    The board met in closed session for about an hour on evaluation of Supt. Lambert, with no action taken.


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