Business signs in residential yards addressed by council

    Council members will look at how other similar-sized communities address commercial signs in residential yards after a discussion on the issue Monday.
    Council member Chad Yaw asked the subject be on Monday’s council meeting agenda.
    “My take is that if we allow political signs, we should just allow all of them,” he said.
    However, city ordinances have specific guidelines on both commercial signs in residential areas and political signs, said Zoning Officer/Building Inspector Nick Schultz.
    He said a lot of his time the past several weeks has been spent on the numerous roofing company signs in town after the September hail damage. He’s contacted several roofers and provided them with the city regulations, he said.
    There are specific codes on construction signs that allow them in the yard only while the company is working on the home, he said.
    Other “pure” advertising signs in residential areas are not allowed, he said. One exception is if there is a business in the home, then a small placard type sign can be attached to the house.
    He said the thought behind the regulation is to prevent the commercialization of the residential areas.
    Yaw said there has been “a lot of discussion around town” and people complaining about “all the different kinds of signs around.”

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